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Being a disciple of Jesus is all about learning and growing, whatever our age.  At St Denys, there are opportunities for all ages to learn and grow in faith through our preaching and teaching on Sundays.  You can listen to some of our recent sermons here.  We also have a range of midweek house groups.

House groups

If you have ever wanted to talk with others about faith in a safe space or felt you would like to ask questions about Sunday’s sermon, a house group is a great place to start.
We have a number of house groups meeting at different times of the week and in different places, so you are sure to find one that suits you.

Sometimes the house groups follow up directly on a series of sermons while at other times they follow their own course. Through the summer we are encouraging everyone to read Mark's gospel - see our April newsletter for more details.
All are welcome to join in the friendly, lively discussions as together we seek to grow in our discipleship.

For more information, contact the Vicar.
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