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Introducing Liz Wilson ...


As your future Assistant Curate, Anthony has asked me to write a few words about myself and my background to introduce myself before I join you at the end of June.


I was born and grew up in Cardiff (yes, that means I am Welsh), in a very happy family with one younger sister, and over the years several cats.  I started going to church at around the age of 7 because I wanted to become a Brownie, and somehow ended up joining the Sunday School too!  This was my local Methodist Church, who nurtured during my childhood. At the age of 14 was baptised. I stopped going to Church around the age of 18, largely due to the pressures of A Levels.


For the next 15 years or so I very rarely went to Church, except for the odd wedding, funeral or parade service (I was a Cub Scout Leader for 10 years).  I studied History of Art at the University of Leicester and then Museum Studies at the University of Southampton and worked in the museums in Southampton as an Exhibitions Officer.  I returned to Leicestershire in 2003 to begin to work on a regional museums programme, based at Leicester City Council, eventually moving to Market Harborough.


I returned to my faith during a period of crisis in my life.   It was a very difficult and upsetting time and I turned back to God for comfort and support, tentatively going occasionally to my local church, which happened to be an Anglican Church, St Dionysius in Market Harborough.  Around a year later, I was praying with the Leicester Workplace Chaplain when I heard my calling to be a priest and after several years of exploring I went through the selection process (called a Bishop’s Advisory Panel) and was accepted to train for ordination.


For the last 15 months or so I have been living at St John’s College Nottingham with my cat called Spider.  I have been thoroughly enjoying studying theology (although it has been a shock to be a student again after so many years).  I have also done some very thought provoking and challenging placements, including at a hospital chaplaincy and the St Philip’s Centre, just down the road from St Deny’s.


I am very excited to be joining you all in June 2014 and returning to Leicester.  Anthony, June, John and Geraldine all made me feel very welcome when I was visiting the parish incognito over the summer, as we explored if this was the right place for me to  continue my training for ministry.  It was also wonderful to be welcomed by so many of you when I visited in October.  While we wait for the next few months to pass, you are and will be in my thoughts and prayers.


With every blessing


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